New speculation on what caused
the demise of civilization on Easter Island gives the ancient islanders more
credit for innovative adaptations to environmental problems, though ultimately
the story ends on the same desolate note.
Professors Hunt and Lipo say fossil hunters and paleobotanists have found no hard evidence that the first Polynesian settlers set fire to the forest to clear land — what's called "large scale prehistoric farming."
The trees did die, no question. But instead of fire, Hunt and Lipo blame rats . . . Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans) stowed away on those canoes, Hunt and Lipo say, and once they landed, with no enemies and lots of palm roots to eat, they went on a binge, eating and destroying tree after tree, and multiplying at a furious rate.
They say the rats played havoc
with the island’s trees, causing a massive degrading of vegetation and
eliminating several animal species. The NPR report concludes: “On Easter
Island, people learned to live with less and forgot what it was like to have
more. Maybe that will happen to us. There's a lesson here. It's not a happy