Friday, January 23, 2015

New Research on Peruvian High-Elevation "Lost City"

Choquequirao is a truly “lost city,” abandoned around 1572 when the last Inca ruler, Tupac Amaru, was captured in the distant jungles, dragged back to Cusco and executed by Spanish colonial authorities.

Choquequirao’s ancient houses, temples, canals and walls were soon reclaimed by the silent, green, primeval forest only to be rediscovered and revealed in recent times. Located on the unpopulated side of the immense Apurimac Canyon, the region has remained disconnected from the farms, villages and roads.

In this account from Peruvian Times, archaeologist Gary Ziegler writes:
It is little known that Yale professor Hiram Bingham, the now famous scientific discoverer of Machu Picchu in 1911 was inspired to launch his return to Peru and archaeological explorations after a visit to Choquequirao in 1909. Bingham visited Choquequirao twice, the second time with a crew of surveyors, cartographers and specialists to produce the first map and scientific description.
Like many other Incan sites, Choquequiarao appears to have been carefully designed according to astronomical alignment with sacred rivers, mountains and celestial movements.



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    Sujay Rao Mandavilli

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  3. This blog on Peruvian history was quite insightful. It provided useful information for both tourists and scholars. The background history of how and by whom the ruins were originally discovered by was enlightening. The pictures used were very visually appealing and of high quality which allowed me to zoom in all the details. The pictures of old maps which contained Inca monumental sites which planned and designed according to astronomical alignment will peek the interest of scholars. The directions to the location sites and the description of the environment was very specific which made it easy to visualize a visit in my mind. The information on how to dress, cost of guide and activities available will be quite useful for prospective tourist of the sites. Overall the blog covered all the aspects of Machu Picchu — Choquequirao, Lost City in the Clouds except giving reasons why the Inca chose to build such a location to build these structures.
