Friday, May 14, 2010

New Claim of Noah's Ark Discovery

Chinese archaeologist examines some timbers possibly of Noah's Ark.

Turkish officials are considering requesting UNESCO World Heritage Status for a site on Mount Ararat where Chinese and Turkish explorers believe they have found the ruins of the biblical Noah’s Ark. Researchers from the Noah’s Ark Ministries International say carbon dating of the wooden ruins place them at 4,800 years old, approximately the time the legendary ark may have been afloat.

Yeung Wing-Cheung, from the Noah's Ark Ministries International research team, said: "It's not 100 percent that it is Noah's Ark, but we think it is 99.9 per cent that this is it." He said the structure ~ found at the 13,000-foot elevation ~ contained several compartments, some with wooden beams, they believe were used to house animals.

The group of evangelical archaeologists ruled out an established human settlement on the grounds none have ever been found above 11,000ft in the vicinity, Yeung said. Obtaining the UNESCO designation would enable the site to be protected while a major archaeological dig is conducted.

According to the Bible, the ark came to rest on a mountain. Many believe Mount Ararat ~ highest point in the region of eastern Turkey ~ is where the ark and its inhabitants ran aground.

Click here for the complete article and a video of the find.


  1. amazing find, the bible mentions a lot of facts relating to this find, meaning the word of god is true and this find should be on every news channel.

  2. amazing find, the bible mentions a lot of facts relating to this find, meaning the word of god is true and this find should be on every news channel.
