Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rare Mayan Pottery Featured in Exhibit

A world-renowned collection of ancient Maya painted pottery provides the focal point for Painted Metaphors: Pottery and Politics of the Ancient Maya, a new exhibition opening at the Penn Museum in Philadelphia.

At the center of Painted Metaphors are almost two dozen recently conserved Maya painted vessels from Chama, a Mayan village in the highlands far from the more sophisticated lowland centers of Maya culture. It was here that Penn Museum archaeologist Robert Burkitt discovered this brilliantly painted pottery, unlike anything else the region had ever produced.

Why were these ceramic cylinders, painted with elaborate scenes, made in this out of the way spot? Exhibition curator Dr. Elin Danien believes these are Painted Metaphors, or pictorial narratives, reflecting the sudden introduction of people and ideas from the lowlands of the Maya world.

Click here for the University of Pennsylvania article.
Photo shows an 8th Century vase found in Chama.

1 comment:

  1. Gregory - I will be attending an auction and have found some pieces I think are tourist wares, but you never know... I you are interested in seeing a photo, please email me. Thanks!
