Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Four Egyptian Temples Are Major Find in Sinai

Archaeologists have unearthed four pharaonic temples in the Sinai peninsula, including one with fortified walls that served as an important religious center at the eastern gateway to ancient Egypt.

The temples date to the rule of Thutmosis II, who reigned from about 1512 BC and was ultimately succeeded by his wife Hatshepsut, among ancient Egypt's most successful female rulers.

"The discovery is considered among the biggest discoveries in Sinai and includes the largest fortified Pharaonic temple in Sinai, at 80 meters by 70 meters," according to the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities in a statement released today. "It is the only example of a mud brick temple in the New Kingdom era in the (Nile) Delta and Sinai."

The temple was surrounded by walls four meters thick and contained paintings of a number of Egyptian deities, including Horus, the god of the sun, as well as depictions of Thutmosis II and Ramses II.

Click here for the Reuters article.

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