Monday, November 17, 2008

Internal Ramp Might Explain Pyramid's Mystery

This 4-minute video explains the internal-ramp theory.

A French architect may have solved the mystery of how ancient Egyptians were able to move two million stone blocks ~ each weighing about 2.5 tons ~ to construct the Great Pyramid.

A little-known cavity spiraling upward inside the pyramid’s structure seems to support the theory that the 4,500-year-old monument to Pharaoh Khufu was constructed from the inside out.

The presence of a spiraling inclined interior tunnel contradicts the prevailing wisdom that the monuments were built using an external ramp. "The paradigm was wrong," French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin said recently. "The idea that the pyramids were built from the outside was just wrong. How can you resolve a problem when the first element you introduce in your thinking is wrong?"

He says for centuries Egyptologists have ignored evidence of an internal ramp.To deliver blocks to the 481-foot peak at a reasonable grade, the ramp would extend a mile, and workers would have had to continually increase its height and length as the pyramid rose.

Click here for the full National Geographic article.


  1. This theory sure seems plausible, especially after viewing the video.

  2. Thank you for the comment, selcom60. I agree. I encourage readers to go to the full National Geographic article, which gives much more detail. Because I consider construction of the Pyramids to be one of the world's greatest mysteries, I'm eager to what the Egyptologists and other experts say about this theory.

  3. It was done by aliens dumbasses

  4. It sounds like a good idea until you realise how hard it would be to construct the roof of the tunnel and to make it sloped. All of the internal blocks in the pyramid are very rough and smaller than those on the outside. The outside spiral ramp is by far the most logical answer especialy as in the video he points out the 7 degree lines on the outside surface, you would hardly see this effect if there was an internal ramp.
